Sunday, April 25, 2010

the girl from turkey was nice :) it was nice to meet more people from other countries and she was a really sweet girl
monday there was the meeting at the senate that we got to miss school for. it wasnt worth it. i would've rather gone to school. it was so incredibly boring and i learned nothing and we did nothing and there was a lot of pointless walking.
the only fun part was getting to meet other exchange students staying in the areas around here (Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, etc.)
there were a ton of americans and i only knew two of them so it was nice to speak a lot of american english after so much italian. plus they were the first americans i've met since i've gotten here so that was nice too.
school was really really tiring last week. and it felt like it went on forever even though it was actually shorter than normal since monday i wasnt at school but at the senate thing.

then yesterday i went out to dinner with shu [the chinese boy], renata and daniele [two of the volunteers here], and 8 finnish volunteers who are here on a vacation. it was a tad bit boring, but they were nice and they taught me the number 1-10 in swedish and finnish. so now i can say them in 9 languages (english, italian, spanish, french, siciliano, portugese, chinese, finnish, and swedish).. its become my hobby.

then i spent the night at shu and renatas house because then this morning we woke up really early and drove (with a girl who wants to be an exchange student next year and her mom) up to Florence to spend the day.
it was miserable. Florence was so hot, stick and humid and we did tons and tons of walking.
it reminded me exactly of how i remember Florence from 6 years ago. and i didnt like florence then so everyone was determined to change my mind, but it was just as bad this time, so my mind is still set on disliking it there.
and then we just returned a couple of hours
so now i'm exhausted and off to bed.. ciao!


  1. not a very cheery sounding week. too bad about florence. you need to go there in december.
