Wednesday, June 23, 2010

so i only have a little more than 2 weeks left
its really sad
i got a haircut!! its not too different, just a lot more layered

also school finished, so that was nice.. so now its officially summer
i have a lot of new friends because of my new host sister, but its nice and i really like them..
i had a class dinner a while back and all of my classmates said they would host me if i stayed in italy for more so i felt loved.. but it makes it harder to leave
i've been doing a lot of swimming, sitting in the sun, and going to the beach
today my sister got a minicar so i'm excited because now we dont have to walk so much since she can drive us around to places that arent too far away
these past few nights every evening i've been going to piazza eschilo, a piazza near my house, because most of my school hangs out there at night. we get gelato and just stand around and talk.. its not that fun, but at least i get gelato!
monday i went into rome with maria (one of the australian girls). we did some tourist shopping
then yesterday one of my classmates, Lisa, took me on a mini tour of some things in rome.. we went to Basilica S. Paolo, Circo Massimo, Santa Maria in Cosmedin which has the Bucco della Verita, Piazza Campidoglio, S. Clemente, and S. Giovanni in Laterrno. There were a lot of churches and they were all gorgeous, but it was a really really exhausting day and by the time i got home my feet were sooo sore..

this friday, one of the other american exchange students, Brittany, who was my good friend at the first AFS camp, is coming here and staying with us.. she'll be here for friday, saturday, sunday, and monday morning..
i'm excited.. and she lives near Napoli so maybe after i'll go stay with her for 3 days too..


  1. better go to napoli soon honey. times running short!

  2. Terra, it sounds like you are/have been having an amazing time. I love hearing about it! I totally get how hard the leaving part is, but just think about all the people/reasons you have to come back and visit in the future! Enjoy your last two weeks!! XO Mikenna
